Enable Madison County
Non-profitEnable Madison County's Aging in Place program Fall Prevention (grab bars, handrails, step repairs, and durable medical equipment) services to the aging (60 years and older) and homebound individuals of all ages.
STUDIO 60 Senior Center
Non-profitThe Homemaker Program provides in-home services to promote independent living. This program is for seniors 60 and over with health or physical limitations preventing them from doing their household chores. This includes light housekeeping services only. For more information on this service, please call Victoria Watkins, Homemaker Supervisor, 256.513.8324 or email hmksup@seniorview.com.
Enable Madison County
Non-profitWeatherization Services - TEMP$ Enable Madison County's TEMP$ (Taking Energy Measures Personally=$avings) services are provided in the Spring and the 1st weekend of November for our aging and homebound neighbors.
Enable Madison County
Non-profitEnable Madison County volunteers build wheelchair ramps at the client's providing accessibility and independence.